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Transition Free Press

Cool, new and in your area now!

Finally…there’s a newspaper that sees the world from our standpoint. Issue 1 of Transition Free Press is now out and about; appearing four times a year, it is professionally produced and reports on a broad range of issues. In contrast to the mainstream press it gives climate change, peak oil and economic meltdown their rightful due, but it is also filled with inspiring, positive stories on organic community farming, recumbent bicycles and cooperatively owned football clubs. There’s a study on the growth of small scale renewables in post-Fukushima Japan, an in-depth interview with Mark Boyle, pioneer of the Gift Economy, and even a Transition Agony column, where you can seek help if you are experiencing conflicts or difficulties within your initiative.

At only £1 it’s a jolly good read, and very informative too.

Available from our weekly Saturday local produce stall outside Matalan.

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