What is Transition?
Transition is a community led movement for change – towards a future where we all respect each other whilst treading lightly on the earth.
How did the movement start?
The idea of Transition was initially a response to the threats of climate change and peak oil (the point at which we’re using oil faster than new reserves are being found). It was clear that change had to happen – we can’t continue burning fossil fuels, using up resources and destroying the eco-systems on which we depend. Rather than waiting for governments to act, we can start looking around to see what we can do as local communities. We can also enjoy the process of coming together and starting to create the future we want for ourselves and generations to come.
The first Transition Town, Totnes in Devon, was created in 2006. It was an idea that resonated with many communities, and Transition Towns, cities, villages, islands and universities began to spring up in the UK and around the world. There is now a worldwide Transition Network of over 900 Transition Initiatives: a growing web of local communities committed to reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, and our impact on climate change.

Community is at the heart of Transition
Meeting more of our needs locally, supporting the local economy, strengthening connections within our localities, supporting and respecting each other, all of this increases resilience and reduces our impact on climate change. It is also hugely enjoyable and fulfilling. A future with less pollution and waste, but more human contact and collaboration, is something to look forward to.
In practical terms, Transition Initiatives work towards increasing local food production, encouraging community gardening and home food growing. Other activities include sharing skills around repair – from clothes to electrical appliances – to reduce waste, and community energy projects to increase energy efficiency and local generation through renewables. We also get together to share meals, and just to have fun.