Green Directory
A directory of green shoots in Leytonstone! Businesses, initiatives and groups in Leytonstone making a real effort to be green.
There are lots of people in Leytonstone trying to change the way we live, work and shop so that we can reduce carbon emissions and have a less harmful or, even better, a positive effect on the local and wider environment, and on our local community.
It's not always easy, though, to find out what is available. So, we decided to put together a list to help all of us - local businesses and residents - on that journey.
All of the groups and businesses listed are going the extra mile to have a positive impact, for example by...
reducing waste - upcycling, repurposing, repairing, redistributing and recycling.
moving away from single-use plastic, or more mindfully sourcing raw materials and packaging.
conserving energy and/or using renewable energy sources.
reducing transport miles by sourcing locally.
supporting the local community in some way
The Green Directory catchment area
If you’d like to suggest a local business or group for inclusion in the Green Directory, please let us know by emailing