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Transition Leytonstone Library


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Green Credentials

The Library For Change

Run by Transition Leytonstone, the Library For Change contains well over 300 books on a range of topics relating to ecological sustainability including energy, ecology, economics and permaculture, and practical subjects such as gardening and waste reduction.

It includes classics such as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring and EF Schumacher's Small is Beautiful, as well as recently published books like Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics and Rob Hopkins' From What Is to What If?.

The library also has an almost complete collection of Permaculture Magazine.

Browsing is welcomed... or you can join the library for free so you can borrow items. Reference books can sometimes be taken out on short loan. Please visit the Library section of our website for more detail:

"This is a wonderful resource, full of books that are difficult to get from normal libraries. The trouble is, I want to read everything! Hopefully in the future it can also become a hub for discussion groups and maybe a ‘green book club’.” (Sandra B)


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